Problems with current laser cutting systems

Laser cutting controls usually separate the operator from the work surface, which results in cutting errors and time wasted with difficult preparation before cutting.

Standard Laser cutting with computer interface


VAL: Visually Augmented Laser cutting process reduces errors while cutting by projecting the shape to be cut directly onto the material

The designer is guided by visual prompts to place the material to be cut

laser cutter interaction


information projected on the laser cutter to guide the operator

The visualization of the shape to be cut can be controlled by a mouse, AR marker as shown below, or through a mobile app

AR marker used to position shape to be cut on laser cutter bed

The shape to be cut is repositioned by the designer in direct contact with the material, enabling the designer to quickly place and cut on materials–even on scrap materials.

shape repositioned on material to be laser cut


Winge, Kristoffer; Haugaard, Rune; Merritt, Tim, “VAL: Visually Augmented Laser cutting to enhance and support creativity,” Mixed and Augmented Reality – Media, Art, Social Science, Humanities and Design (IMSAR-MASH’D), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.31,34, 10-12 Sept. 2014

For more information, please contact Tim Merritt at