Age Invaders is an intergenerational family entertainment system, which focuses on physical and social interactions using a mixed reality floor system.
The main design goals include: facilitating interactions between users with varied levels of skill in utilizing technology, utilizing the familiar physical motions from other activities to make an intuitive physical interface, and encouraging social interactions among families and friends.
Detailed implementation of the design process of our intergenerational entertainment system, Age Invaders, is covered in the article:
Eng Tat Khoo, Tim Merritt, and Adrian David Cheok. 2009.Designing physical and social intergenerational family entertainment. Interact. Comput. 21, 1-2 (January 2009), 76-87. DOI=10.1016/j.intcom.2008.10.009
Please explore the various publications related to the Age Invaders system:
Khoo, Eng T., Merritt, Tim, and Cheok, Adrian D. Designing a Mixed Reality Intergenerational Entertainment System, (book chapter) in The Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems, pages 121-141. Human-Computer Interaction Series. Springer, 1 edition, 2009. Google books version
Khoo, E.T., Merritt, T., Cheok, A.D., Designing Physical and Social Intergeneration Family Entertainment. Interacting with Computers. Special Issue: Enactive Interfaces, volume 21, issue 1-2, pages 76-87, January 2009.
Khoo, E.T., Merritt, T., Cheok, A.D., Lian, M., and Yeo, K., Age Invaders: User Studies of Intergenerational Computer Entertainment. Entertainment Computing ICEC 2007, 6th International Conference, Shanghai, China, September 15-17, 2007, Springer, Volume 4740, 231-242.